The following updates were implemented:
- You now get more score and money after exporting a vehicle than before - If nobody exported a vehicle after 15 minutes, another export round starts instantly. There will only be a short break after a successful export. - Pursuit: resetting colors should now be fixed - Number of exported vehicles and number of owned properties are now shown in /Stats - If somebody is already AFK and a gangwar starts in the zone where the AFK stands, he will not get kicked any longer - Small adjustments of the german language file (Moneybag, /Season) - Death list should now look better if you killed a player with a new UGMP weapon (Thank you TwisT3R!) - Fixed house and property textdraw (hopefully :D) - Fixed a bug that occured when your gang starts a gangwar while you are in a minigame - Weather does now update every minute instead of every hour - Adjustment of the FPS and packet loss textdraw |