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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Long PMs caused the server to crash - is now fixed
    - /Macronix does only work for Macronix from now :D
    - Sometimes, a player's score was not stored to the database - should be fixed now
    - Player counter for /Fun should be fine now
    - Player counter for /Pursuit is now fixed
    - People won't get kicked for airbreaking by using speed boost in /Fun anymore
    - Fixed an anticheat weapons hack bug when people leave a deathmatch
    - If there's a race with more than one lap, the last CP of each lap was pointing to a wrong direction
    - should be fixed now - Races are now loaded randomly
    - Hitsound bug fixed
    - You now loose only $200 instead of $400 when you die
    - You now have to pay only $200 to teleport
    - You now gain $1200 for each kill
    - In races, the next checkpoint is now shown on the mini map
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed a bug that caused score to reset
    - Added /CP to be teleported to the last checkpoint in race (You can also press 2 instead of using /CP) Gh3ttoG4m3R
    - Fixed player counter in minigames
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Races do start now instantly when a player is alone on the server or if every other player except yourself is AFK
    - Admins can now load races by using /Loadrace
    - House prices were adjusted
    - You have a spawn protection of a few seconds after every race
    - Pursuit: Cops are now colored in blue, the hunted player is colored in red. That makes it easier to see who is who now
    - Added textdraw for FPS and packet loss at the top right corner
    - You can use /FPS and /PL to see other people's FPS and Packet Loss
    - /Stats shows now which language the player has set for himself
    - You can now doubleclick a player in TAB to see the player's statistics
    - You can now set a /Bounty to any player
    - Dialogs at /Cars1-3 are now prettier than they used to be
    - /DM does now display a player counter for each DM zone
    - If you enter a vehicle which is wanted from the export, you will get a notification that you can export the vehicle
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Instead of having to wait 10 minutes after a gangwar, you only have to wait 3 minutes if the turf you captured was not owned by a gang yet
    - The textdraw at the bottom right corner in race and pursuit should now display the correct time at the count down
    - New players can now skip the tutorial by using /Skip
    - San Andreas Walkies DM (/DM5) is now in another area (now in LVPD interior)
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - People now should not get kicked anymore by clicking on "Spawn" too fast
    - Player color bug in pursuit was fixed
    - /Speedo is now saved
    - /DM counter should be fine now
    - Fixed a bug that occured when someone died during a race creation
    - Previously used cars for race creation should now be gone after canceling the race creator
    - Gang Payday should work now - Sometimes, the vehicle id was not saved while creating a race. That should be fixed now
    - Player counter for each minigame should be fine now
    - /Myprops property counter should be fixed now
    - Property payday should be stable now
    - If someone enters a zone where a gangwars is in progress, but you are not part of any of both gangs, you shouldn't be ejected from your vehicle anymore
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fix: People should no longer get kicked for weapons hack when they leave a deathmatch zone (I hope)
    - Count down for races and other minigames should now be more drunk-friendly @tight
    - /CP does now teleport you back to the coordinates of the checkpoint instead of the position where you entered the checkpoint
    - If you sell your car, you will now get 1/3 of the money back you had to pay for the car @Naweeb
    - If you try to buy a weapons pack, you now see what it costs in a message if you don't have enough money
    - Removed special characters in german text draws
    - You now no longer get money from your gang zones when you're AFK
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - You now get more score and money after exporting a vehicle than before
    - If nobody exported a vehicle after 15 minutes, another export round starts instantly. There will only be a short break after a successful export.
    - Pursuit: resetting colors should now be fixed
    - Number of exported vehicles and number of owned properties are now shown in /Stats
    - If somebody is already AFK and a gangwar starts in the zone where the AFK stands, he will not get kicked any longer
    - Small adjustments of the german language file (Moneybag, /Season)
    - Death list should now look better if you killed a player with a new UGMP weapon (Thank you TwisT3R!)
    - Fixed house and property textdraw (hopefully :D)
    - Fixed a bug that occured when your gang starts a gangwar while you are in a minigame
    - Weather does now update every minute instead of every hour
    - Adjustment of the FPS and packet loss textdraw
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    The following updates were implemented:

    - New minigame implemented: Shooter. Join the game and shoot your enemies with rockets from your car
    - Renamed /LCAir and /VCAir to /LC and /VC
    - New huge stuntmap on the SF Airport

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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed some Shooter bugs
    - Fixed some Derby bugs
    - You will now get rewarded by making a Top 2-5 record too (yet only Top 1 was rewarded)
    - Air-Races are now officially supported (different checkpoints, pressing 2 doesn't teleport you back any longer)
    - Fixed /Speedo (at least particially, I couldn't reproduce everything)
    - Vehiclename should now be shown even if your speedo is turned off
    - Fixed property payday and gang pay day (sometimes people didn't get their money, should be fine now)
    - Pursuit improvement: You now hear crime reports when a cop is close to a player
    - AFK players do now have godmode
    - Moved the damage textdraw a little bit because it was too close to the location textdraw
    - After a moneybag was exported, next round starts after 5 instead of 10 minutes
    - Using /Cancel in /Fun should now work fine. Yet it sometimes happened that players were bugged after leaving /Fun

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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed a bug that caused that new races were loaded rarely only
    - Fixed a tutorial money bug
    - Players with less than 100 score cannot get race records any longer

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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed a bug that caused that you got unfreezed before the race starts
    - You now get a Sentinel XS instead of a Vice City Sentinel if you buy one at /Cars3

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    The following updates were implemented:

    - Vehicle sell bug fixed
    - Car color can now be changed by clicking LMB in race countdown
    - Stats should now be displayed correctly
    - Camera shouldn't stop in air anymore while countdown
    - Players should no longer get wrongly banned in fun world
    - Commandspam check disabled for admins
    - Properties can now only be bought by players that are AFK or offline
    - Added /Vipshop to command list
    - Server is now set to Skinshot instead of Lagshot!