
  • 08


    The following updates were implemented:

    - New server language added: Russian
    - New server language added: Portuguese
    - Implemented a lotto game (check out /Lotto)
    - Performance improvements

    This update might be interesting for many players. Since SA-MP is still a thing in South America and Russia, we have decided to add Russian and Portuguese as server languages. The messages may not be perfect, so I would appreciate feedback from people who speak Russian or Portuguese.

    Have fun!

  • 03


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Interior adjustments vor houses
    - Grounds on fallout shouldn't disappear any longer
    - Renamed a property which had an invalid name
    - Tuning is now being saved
    - Pickups should not disappear any longer
    - AFK Command Spam bug fixed
    - Adjusted some chat messages in german language file
    - If you press 2 in race, your car now gets fixed
    - Gang member counter for gangwars should work properly now
    - Fixed gangwar kill counter
    - Improved Buy and Sell of weed
    - Fixed general bugs in drift world
    - Fixed Taxi mission
    - Implemented anti fast kill check
    - Weed can now only be planted in free world instead of interiors etc.
    - You now cannot teleport with planes and boats any longer
    - Improved performance

    Have fun!

  • 28


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Added a new language: Meddlfränkisch
    - Added new car dealers
    - You can now tow vehicles by using /Tow or pressing 2 (requires V.I.P. level 1)
    - Gangtag should be fixed now
    - Added /Carlock to lock your car as driver
    - Skins are now spawned randomly instead of a fixed spawn per skin
    - Race times are now limited to 10 minutes to prevent people blocking the race
    - If you die in freeroam, your weapons are being dropped (for 15 seconds only)
    - You can't spawn your car inside your house any longer
    - Shortened a few commands (e.g. /Pur for /Pursuit, /GG for GunGame etc.)
    - In some DM areas, your health will be re-filled after killing another player
    - After finishing a race, you will now see your total time for a few seconds in the middle of the screen
    - Race positions are now shown below the chat
    - Some adjustments on admin rights and privileges
    - Adjusted gungame leveling
    - While creating races, you are now allowed to teleport to different locations
    - If you get dropped out of the derby or shooter, you can now randomly spectate left players
    - Added teleports to Monaco and Hockenheimring race map
    - Finally added /Removeskin command
    - VIPSkin shouldn't be reset after dying any longer
    - Admins do now get a notification if a player uses /Admins
    - Fixed bugs with beach/striptease actors
    - Fixed the spawns in fallout which sometimes occured if a player has a high ping
    - New minigame: /Onehit DM -> A new DM arena where you only have 1hp
    - New minigame: /Fire DM -> A new DM arena where you have a flamethrower and molotov cocktails
    - New minigame: /Drift -> A new minigame to earn drifting points with toptimes

    Have fun! Note: This is a particially untested update, so a few bugs might occur. Please let me know if anything is wrong. Another update is coming soon which finishes these changes.

  • 23


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Server performance improvements
    - Ramp timer has been fixed
    - Restricted message length to avoid server crashes while formatting chat messages
    - Fixed some bugs in /duel
    - Bot flood check adjustments
    - Fixed player counter
    - Added Skydive maps where you can get a reward for finishing them (/Skydive, /Skydive2-6)
    - Splitted up buyable vehicles to 4 different car dealers

    Have fun!

  • 21


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Civilist skins do now have random chat colors
    - Export timer bug should now be fixed
    - Minigamebar does now have three pages to display all minigames (also new ones)
    - Season win adjustment
    - Fixed /Password command - You can now start pizza/taxi missions only once per 10 seconds to prevent spam
    - Small performance improvements
    - Added new DM arena: /Fleischberg (Map by [AMB]haubitze)
    - Added Team DM arena: /TDM (Map by [AMB]haubitze)
    - Added GunGame: /GunGame

    Have fun!

  • 15


    The following updates were implemented:

    In the past few weeks, a couple of bug fixes and small improvements were implemented. Here's a list:

    Small updates:
    - You can now delete the last set checkpoint in race creator
    - Improved spawns in mapped races
    - Race will be auto stopped after 10 minutes to prevent players to block the race for too long
    - Weed objects are now removed after they get picked up
    - You can now tune cars during the race countdown
    - You should now be unfreezed after you got released from jail
    - Performing an unfreeze bug in house while being AFK shouldn't be possible any longer
    - Fixed a bug that caused the race to be broken after a gang member started a gangwar
    - When the server is empty, the server restarts automaticially to prevend bugs
    - Fixed "My first words" achievement
    - You now won't get kicked anymore when pressing ESC accidently on login screen
    - Added new skins to select
    - Fixed a bug in /Fallout that caused high ping players to fall through objects

    Have fun!

  • 17


    The following updates were implemented:

    This is the first big update since almost one year. Besides the listed updated, we also added the server to the hosted tab list!

    Small updates:
    - Offline season win fixed
    - Players with VIP level 3 can now finally own planes and helicopters
    - /Seasons dialog fixed
    - Derby maps fixed
    - Tutorial bugfixes
    - Small server adjustments
    - Ban improvements
    - Lots of new stuntmaps
    - Taximission (enter a taxi and press 2 to start)
    - Added 1vs1 duel (/Duel)
    - Added a few new VIP features (Neon, Laser, SAM, Numberplate)
    - /Loadrace can now be used by raceadmins too
    - Added ~90 achievements (/Achievements)

    Weed system: Become a drug lord and grow and sell your own marijuana. You can buy seeds for your plantations from a /Drugdealer at any time. Once some time has passed, you can collect the grown weed and sell it either to a drug dealer or to other players. But be careful: Your plantation can be found and used by any player. So hide your plantation well!

    However, if you are not interested in becoming a drug dealer, you can simply smoke the weed yourself and enjoy the effect of consumption by using /Smokeweed.

    New minigame: Save The Hostage: In Save The Hostage you will be assigned to either the terrorist team or the counterterrorist team at the start. If you play as a terrorist, your task is to prevent the hostage from escaping or to prevent the counterterrorists from freeing the hostage. If you play as an counterterrorist, you have to free the hostage on the terrorists' captivity. If you die, you respawn accordingly either at the terrorist spawn or at the counterterrorist spawn.

    The game lasts 7 minutes. If the hostage has not been freed by the counterterrorists by the end of the time, the terrorists win. Otherwise, the counterterrorists win as soon as the hostage is "delivered" to the checkpoint at the counterterrorist spawn.

    New Minigame: Fallout:
    Be the last survivor on the platforms of the fallout! Every second a platform falls down. If you are the last one left on one of the remaining platforms, you win the game.

    The spawns are randomly distributed. So are the falling platforms.

    Have fun!

  • 27


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Vehicle sell bug fixed
    - Car color can now be changed by clicking LMB in race countdown
    - Stats should now be displayed correctly
    - Camera shouldn't stop in air anymore while countdown
    - Players should no longer get wrongly banned in fun world
    - Commandspam check disabled for admins
    - Properties can now only be bought by players that are AFK or offline
    - Added /Vipshop to command list
    - Server is now set to Skinshot instead of Lagshot!

  • 12


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed a bug that caused that you got unfreezed before the race starts
    - You now get a Sentinel XS instead of a Vice City Sentinel if you buy one at /Cars3

  • 19


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed a bug that caused that new races were loaded rarely only
    - Fixed a tutorial money bug
    - Players with less than 100 score cannot get race records any longer

  • 21


    The following updates were implemented:

    - Fixed some Shooter bugs
    - Fixed some Derby bugs
    - You will now get rewarded by making a Top 2-5 record too (yet only Top 1 was rewarded)
    - Air-Races are now officially supported (different checkpoints, pressing 2 doesn't teleport you back any longer)
    - Fixed /Speedo (at least particially, I couldn't reproduce everything)
    - Vehiclename should now be shown even if your speedo is turned off
    - Fixed property payday and gang pay day (sometimes people didn't get their money, should be fine now)
    - Pursuit improvement: You now hear crime reports when a cop is close to a player
    - AFK players do now have godmode
    - Moved the damage textdraw a little bit because it was too close to the location textdraw
    - After a moneybag was exported, next round starts after 5 instead of 10 minutes
    - Using /Cancel in /Fun should now work fine. Yet it sometimes happened that players were bugged after leaving /Fun

  • 16


    The following updates were implemented:

    - New minigame implemented: Shooter. Join the game and shoot your enemies with rockets from your car
    - Renamed /LCAir and /VCAir to /LC and /VC
    - New huge stuntmap on the SF Airport